College Registration — United Sound

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1136 East Harmony Avenue #201
Mesa, AZ, 85204
United States

United Sound is an organization whose mission is to provide musical performance experiences for students with special needs through peer mentorship.

College Registration

Use this form ONLY if you are interested in forming a NEW chapter of United Sound. If you are registering to particiapting in an existing chapter, click here: PARTICIPANT REGISTRATION

Thank you for your interest in forming a United Sound Ensemble at your college or university. Please complete the registration form below and we will contact you within one week.

*All the information you provide on this application is private and will only be used to contact you about United Sound programs. Only authorized users will have access to this information. United Sound never shares your information with anyone else.

Be sure to SCROLL all the way through the form and click submit!

Considering a United Sound chapter at your school? Take a few moments to watch this video about First Experiences from the teacher's perspective. With Mr. Josh Thye.

After registration, your next step will be to find the rest of your team! If you are a professor, you're looking for two students leaders to act as co-presidents of your chapter. Ideally, an older person and a younger person to facilitate torch-passing.

If you are a student, you'll need to find a faculty sponsor before we can move very far. In some cases, this person doesn't attend a single rehearsal, but you will need them to gain institutional approval for your chapter, reserve rehearsal space, and most importantly, coordinate with an ensemble for performances. Because United Sound is a performance based chapter, the faculty sponsor is usually the director or assistant director of an ensemble.

If you'd like to look ahead, check out the "getting started" checklist.


Designed specifically for the instrumental band and orchestral teacher, Yamaha's SupportED is a free publication you won't want to miss. With articles that are written by and about real teachers who share Yamaha's commitment to keeping music education thriving, we think you'll want to check it out.