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1136 East Harmony Avenue #201
Mesa, AZ, 85204
United States

United Sound is an organization whose mission is to provide musical performance experiences for students with special needs through peer mentorship.

Teacher Meeting

Thank you for your interest in forming a United Sound Ensemble. Please complete the form and we will contact you within one week to schedule a meeting! If you're a parent or student, please share this page with your school music or special education teacher to get started!

Be sure to click submit!

*All the information you provide on this application is private and will only be used to contact you about United Sound programs. Only authorized users will have access to this information. United Sound never shares your information with anyone else.

If you didn’t register with a specific special education teacher in mind, your next step will be to find your partner teacher. He/she will be a huge component of the program, and will attend every chapter meeting. The better your partner teacher, the better your United Sound experience will be.

To do that, share the overview document (linked above) with the special education department and a video or two from the WATCH page of the website. There really aren’t words that will ever capture the moment like seeing the children does.

Your elevator pitch is: “I want to start a peer mentoring chapter called United Sound where my students will teach band instruments to your students and then we’ll all perform together. Will you attend an informational meeting with me to learn about it?

With articles that are written by and about real teachers who share Yamaha's commitment to keeping music education thriving, SupportED is a free publication you won't want to miss.

With articles that are written by and about real teachers who share Yamaha's commitment to keeping music education thriving, SupportED is a free publication you won't want to miss.


Considering a United Sound chapter at your school? Take a few moments to watch this video about First Experiences from the teacher's perspective. With Mr. Josh Thye.

Questions? Send us an email!

If you’d like to “look ahead,” we use this checklist for our on-boarding process!