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1136 East Harmony Avenue #201
Mesa, AZ, 85204
United States

United Sound is an organization whose mission is to provide musical performance experiences for students with special needs through peer mentorship.

Our Sponsors

Our corporate, foundation, and private sponsors make everything we do possible.

DIAMOND sponsor ($35,000+)

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Platinum Sponsor ($20,000+)

GOLD Sponsors ($10,000+)

*Founding Sponsor Yamaha Corporation of America (YCA) is one of the largest subsidiaries of Yamaha Corporation, Japan and offers a full line of award-winning musical instruments, sound reinforcement and home entertainment products to the U.S. market.

Our Local Causes debit card makes donations possible. Every time you use your Local Causes debit card, you help support nonprofits throughout Arizona. Since launching the card in August of 2020, we’ve distributed more than $300,000 to local nonprofits serving our community.

*Founding Sponsor Music for All’s mission is to create, provide and expand positively life-changing experiences through music for all. Our vision is to be a catalyst to ensure that every child across America has access and opportunity to participate in active music making in his or her scholastic environment.

Founded in 1979, Sweetwater is the No. 1 online retailer of music instruments and audio gear in the U. S., according to the music industry’s authority on sales statistics, Music Trades Magazine. The company is respected as the nation's leading retailer serving musicians, recording studios, broadcast, education, and houses of worship.

Bringing together the sights and sounds of the school, Varsity Performing Arts fuels the passion and spirit found in every high school across America, on every sideline, in every halftime show, of every season. Varsity Performing Arts was founded in 2019 and includes Stanbury Uniforms, DSI, and SA Feather.

Remo D Belli was a percussion pioneer. In 1957, he invented the first successful synthetic Mylar® drumheads, today’s industry standard. For over 60 years, Remo, Inc. has constantly and consistently broken new ground when it comes to industry firsts.

Chuck and his wife, Lisa, are passionate about serving their community. As the founder of Sweetwater, the largest online retailer of music instruments and pro audio equipment in the United States, Chuck’s success has been driven by a passion and dedication to “always do the right thing” in service to others.

The Tempe Diablos’ mission is to enhance the community of Tempe, Arizona. This is accomplished by providing leadership and resources that create worthwhile opportunities, especially for our youth.

The mission of Thunderbirds Charities is to support organizations that assist children and families, help people in need and improve the quality of life in the Greater Phoenix Metropolitan Area.

Silver Sponsors ($5,000+)

Bronze sponsors ($2,500+)


Individual Donors

We are very grateful for the following individual donors for their continued support of United Sound programs:

John and Joan D’Addario

Rosamaria Belli

Paul and Barbara Barsnica

Scott and Elisabeth Benedict

Richard Crain

Sam Hodson

Herman Knoll

Sam Tsugawa