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1136 East Harmony Avenue #201
Mesa, AZ, 85204
United States

United Sound is an organization whose mission is to provide musical performance experiences for students with special needs through peer mentorship.

National Festival


2025 United Sound National Ensemble

Saturday, March 15


Indiana United Sound musicians, past and present

100 student musicians from Carmel and Hillgrove High Schools

MLB pitcher and musician, Bronson Arroyo


2:00pm arrive at Butler University, Indianapolis

2:30-4:30pm get to know your mentors and rehearse the new music

5:00-7:00pm Dinner at the campus dining hall, change clothes

8:00pm Concert begins, Clowes Memorial Hall

8:45pm United Sound performance

9:00pm Depart

Peer Mentors &


We have peer mentors who are eager to help! They mentor new musicians at their own schools and they’re excited to meet a new friend.

A parent or guardian will need to stay with us all day for safety reasons. You will join us for dinner and have a premium seat saved at the concert, too!


We’ll be playing a version of “Be You,” written especially for United Sound. After you register, we’ll reach out to ask what level of music you’re comfortable playing. Some musicians might play just one note, or will only play rhythms on a drum and that is just great! We want everyone to have fun and be comfortable.

Other info:

What if I don’t have an instrument? Send an email to let us know and we’ll have one for you!

What if I have a food allergy? The campus dining hall staff has a special food allergy section to accommodate needs. You are also welcome to bring your own sack dinner and enjoy the mealtime with new friends.

What will we wear? All black. It’s a fancy performance so please wear the nicest clothes you have. If you would like to wear a dress (or something you won’t want to wear all day) there is time to change clothes during the long dinner break.

Additional questions?