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1136 East Harmony Avenue #201
Mesa, AZ, 85204
United States

United Sound is an organization whose mission is to provide musical performance experiences for students with special needs through peer mentorship.

El Tour de Tucson

Join united sound for El Tour de Tucson!

November 23, 2024


Family Fun Accessible Ride 3mi or 1 mi, 32mi, 62mi, 102mi, 5k run/walk -

there’s something for everyone!

United Sound is a peer mentoring program that pairs students with and without disabilities to make music together!

Any United Sound team member who donates or fundraises at least $50, will receive the United Sound bike jersey or racing shirt (this just covers the cost of the shirt). Donations can be made on this page or through the El Tour platform. We will contact you after registration to get sizing. (If you fundraise more than $50, you’re a United Sound HERO!)

To participate on the United Sound team and receive the shirt/jersey, your registration and donation/fundraising must be complete by October 15!

Custom Jersey image coming soon!