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1136 East Harmony Avenue #201
Mesa, AZ, 85204
United States

United Sound is an organization whose mission is to provide musical performance experiences for students with special needs through peer mentorship.

El Tour Virtual

united sound virtual race

November 23, 2024


You can walk, run, bike, whatever!

Invite your friends and family to participate with you

United Sound is a peer mentoring program that pairs students with and without disabilities to make music together!

how to participate in the united sound virtual race

Step 1: Sign up

Recruit friends and family members to join your team - have everyone register!


Step 2: Fundraise

Once you register, your personalized fundraising page will be set up. Share that link with family & friends.

Step 3: Map Your Route

Be creative! Your course can be anywhere.


Step 4: RACE DAY!

Choose your start time and complete your race! Make sure to wear a United Sound shirt.

Step 5: Celebrate Virtually

Share your race pictures and tag United Sound so we can celebrate with you!