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1136 East Harmony Avenue #201
Mesa, AZ, 85204
United States

United Sound is an organization whose mission is to provide musical performance experiences for students with special needs through peer mentorship.

Research Project

Thank you for agreeing to participate and facilitate this research project.  If you have questions about any of the steps involved with this, please reach out to Dorean at or 602-620-2223.

You will get an email that will contain: your school’s ID number for this study and a link to a spreadsheet that will contain participant ID numbers assigned to your school. Please assign each New Musician an ID number and use that number ONLY when completing assessment forms. You will need to keep your own list of which student has each ID #, but do not share that with me! You will also be given a link to a google folder that you’ll be able to upload forms and documents to.

STEP 1 - obtain informed consent from parents of all new musicians

  • Read information on informed consent to parents (click on the link to view/download the consent form)

  • After reading information and answering any questions, have parents “sign” to give their consent for their child to participate.

  • If parents are physically signing a hard copy, email/text a picture of the signed last page to Dorean or upload to your assigned google folder.

Options for obtaining informed consent:

  • Meet in person with the parent(s), print out the form, and and have them physically sign the last page. You will also need to sign as the investigator.

  • Phone call with the parent(s). For this, after your call you can either send home a hard copy of the form for them to sign and return, or have them digitally sign using one of the following forms:

  • Have a zoom/teams/google video meeting with several parents at the same time. You can either send home a hard copy for them to sign and return (make sure you sign as the investigator and then email, text, or upload a picture) or during the meeting, put the link to have them digitally sign in the chat and ask them to do that right then. See links above.

To obtain consent from Spanish speaking parents - you MUST have a Spanish speaking employee of the school assist with this, unless you, yourself are a fluent Spanish speaker.

STEP 2 - submit a copy of each new musicians iep at the beginning of the study, ie: right after you obtain informed consent!

  • Make a copy of each IEP and redact/cross off name, school, etc.

  • Write the participant ID# on the top of each page

  • Upload each IEP to your assigned google folder


Options for completing this assessment:

  • Click on link and download the form. Make a copy for each participating New Musician. Write the school ID and assigned participant ID on each form. After form is complete, upload a copy to your assigned google folder

  • Complete the form electronically - Either using this webpage or click here. You will need to complete one for EACH new musician.

STEP 4 - COMPLETE NEW MUSICIAN final ASSESSMENT at the end of the year (info for this will be emailed to you in early may 2025)